Friday, September 17, 2010

Boxers Are Perfect For Any Household?

Many experts recommend buying pet puppy Boxer as a family home, because they know that they make great pets for each main. They are friendly, loyal, brave and very easy to train.
An official standard, set by AFC, requires breed to have at least two thirds of its coat coated brindle, fawn or some shade of red. The rest of the coat is usually white.White is commonly found in the belly and face is approximated by the boxers three out of four born will fall in this category, and will have no problems getting registered for AFC as dog Boxer official.
Boxer dog training consists of training them up to become guard dogs; this is their main profession if you like. People who do not know boxers tend to assume that they are naturally aggressive when they are in fact the opposite and could not be more playful than any other dog! Because of their good stature and aggressive look, people are automatically assuming this dog could do more harm than good. If your boxer is not trained properly then he just might.
This is bad news for white Boxer and breeder dog. If there is no demand, then there is very little reason to keep white dogs. Unfortunately some are put to sleep just because they prove white boxers.
Some argue that this is better for dogs because white boxers tend to have higher chance to become deaf after they reach 6-8 weeks.This is where some owners discover that inner Ear sensory in hair is not growing. This is due to the lack of pigment cells, which is the same reason, which explains why the dog gets his white coat. in addition to the risk of white pet is like other dog Boxer.Personality similar features and can be very good niewidoma. However, pet owners who have little experience with dogs we recommend that you do not buy white Boxer. Leave experts to conduct these dogs. Their experience will be better to deal with complications, which can later on.
Because boxers are such animals are smart, obedient and they make dogs excellent thinking, are guarding the House for you anyone, Boxer will be that of the fine.Any attempt to enter into an intruder over forbidden will come face to face enormous shield.

When your boxer reaches 13-16 weeks old it's time for some serious boxer dog training, this is the stage where he is going to test for dominance, he will nip and try to show you that he is the more dominant one, mainly by not listening to you. You have to be a strong leader at this time; you must show him that bad behaviors will not be tolerated no matter what!
When this happens, be hard with them and show them you are a lead and you're at the top of the hierarchy. Keep sending the same message to pup Boxer and she will learn how to behave when you or other family members are around. Note that all dogs do simple top-down hierarchy, where they are in the Group and which include human beings. show them who's boss. be firm, but the patient in return home will give you and your family many happy moments.

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